Terms and Conditions of The Oakwood Club Ltd


To help you get the best out of The Oakwood Club and to understand our responsibilities to you and your responsibilities to us, please read these terms and conditions. Please remember that if you sign up to any of our online facilities or classes, extra terms and conditions may apply. The language we use should make these terms and conditions as clear as possible. If you have any questions, a member of our team at the club will be happy to help you. To help make these terms and conditions easy to read, we have split them into two parts:

  • Part A – terms and conditions of membership. All members must keep to the same terms and conditions, including adult and child members whose memberships are linked to other members and child members whose application form has been signed on their behalf by an adult.
  • Part B – rules and regulations for using facilities. These terms and conditions apply to all our members and their guests. They are necessary to make sure we can offer an enjoyable and safe environment for you, your guests and our other members to share during every visit to your club. These terms and conditions apply at all times and take priority over anything a member of our team has told you. These terms and conditions replace any previous versions.

Part A – Terms and Conditions of Membership

Definitions that apply to Part A:

You – the lead member.

Linked member – anyone who is linked to your membership, on the additional household discount and/or any guest.

Your entire membership – your membership and the membership of your linked members.

The club, your club, we and us – The Oakwood Club Limited.

1. Responsibilities of lead members and linked members

a. Every person who signs the membership application will be jointly and individually responsible under this agreement.

b. This means that:

  • i. if one of those people tells us to do anything in relation to the membership (including ending it) we will take that as authority from all of them.
  • ii. each of those people will be responsible for paying all the appropriate membership fees for themselves, for any other people who have signed the form and for all linked members (whether adults or children); and each of those people will be responsible for paying any extra charges and fees which they, any other people who have signed the form, a linked member or a guest, has to pay for using facilities and services not covered by the membership category.

c. The responsibility in A3 for the fees and charges of any linked member continues until:

  • i. the linked member’s link with the lead member changes in any of the ways set out in A8 ‘Changing your membership’; or:
  • ii. the linked member ends their membership by following the procedure in A12 ‘Ending your membership’.

d. The rules in A1a to c also apply to anyone who makes an application online.

e. All of these terms and conditions of membership apply to you and all linked members unless we tell you otherwise.

f. You and all linked members must keep to the rules and regulations for using facilities set out in Part B.

2. Membership types and length of membership

a. Annual Membership

  • i. Your membership will begin on the day when you make your first payment.
  • ii. Annual memberships run for a 12 calendar month period.
  • iii. Annual memberships are nonrefundable.
  • iv. At the club’s discretion, a transfer of the remaining term of the membership can be considered. This will incur a £50 admin fee.

b. Monthly Membership

  • i. Your membership will begin on the day when you make your first payment.
  • ii. Monthly memberships run for a calendar month from your payment date.

c. If you want to switch a membership, you must give us one month’s notice (see A9 ‘Notice’).

  • i. Before we can switch you to a different membership, it will need to be discussed with a member of the management or membership team.
  • ii. All membership changes will be done in line with payment dates.

3. Membership fees

a. For the annual membership, your membership fee is due every year and covers the year to come. You must pay for your membership by making one payment each year.

b. For the monthly membership your membership fees are due from the day you sign up and cover that month. You must pay for your membership by making monthly payments by direct debit unless we agree otherwise.

4. Starting your membership

a. Annual Members

  • i. You will pay for the annual year upfront and in full, from the day you sign up.
  • ii. Annual memberships are nonrefundable.
  • iii. Annual memberships run for 12 calendar months from the day you make your membership application and payment.

b. Monthly Members

  • i. Your membership will begin on the day when you make your first payment. All following payments will be taken by direct debit and will be covered by the direct debit guarantee.

c. If you ask us to reduce your membership fee because you meet a special condition, for example because you work for a particular employer or you are a student, you will need to prove that you meet the condition before we will reduce your fee and, from time to time, we may ask you for up-to-date proof that you still qualify for the reduced fee (see A6 Membership Discounts).

  • i. If approved, the reduced membership fee will begin from your next payment date.

d. Your membership will be calculated from your agreed start date and membership fee will be taken on that same date every month.

e. When you and anyone linked to your membership join, you will each need to have your photograph taken. This is to allow us to check your identity when you enter your club.

5. Joining fee

a. Payment of joining fee

  • i. The joining fee is a one-time, nonrefundable payment required for all new monthly members upon registration.
  • ii. This fee is payable at the time of signing up for membership and must be completed before access to the club’s facilities and services is granted.
  • iii. Payment can be made via credit/debit card, bank transfer, or other approved methods as provided by The Oakwood.

b. Termination of Membership

  • i. Should you choose to terminate your membership, the joining fee will not be refunded.
  • ii. Termination of membership must be done in accordance with the club’s cancellation policy as outlined in your membership agreement (see A9 Notice).
  • iii. If you are choosing not to renew and were to terminate your membership and rejoin at a later date, then a new joining fee will need to be paid.

6. Membership Discounts

a. Membership discounts are available to specific categories of individuals as determined by The Oakwood Club.

  • i. Proof of eligibility will be required at the time of registration via a discount application form. Failure to do so will result in discounts being removed.
  • ii. The Oakwood Club reserves the right to periodically verify the eligibility of members receiving discounts. If a member is found ineligible for a discount, the club may revoke the discount and charge the member the standard membership rate moving forward.

b. Discounts apply to standard membership fees and are not combinable with other promotional offers unless explicitly stated.

c. All discounted rates are subject to the club’s discretion and may be changed at any time.

d. Discounts offered on memberships are personal to the member and are nontransferable. They cannot be applied to another person’s membership or shared between multiple members.

7. Membership categories

a. You are entitled to use the facilities available under your category of membership. We will give you information about the range of facilities available to you and when you can use them. Each category of membership may have certain restrictions which only apply to that category of membership. We will tell you about these restrictions when you join or when you change your category of membership, whichever applies. You can also get details from our website.

b. If you have a disability which means you need someone to help you use the facilities at your club, you can link your assistant to your membership or sign them in as a guest. You will not have to pay a fee. However, the assistant can only use the facilities to help you.

8. Changing your membership categories and linked members

a. We realise that your needs can change over time, so you can apply to change your membership category by contacting us. Our contact details are on the website.

b. You may need to provide proof that you qualify for the new membership category you are applying for.

c. When you change categories, your membership fees will change to the current fees advertised for that category for new members at your club. You will have to pay any difference in the membership fees between your new category and your old category. If you pay your membership fee in one payment each year, we will refund any overpayment relating to the period after you change your membership category. We will not refund any fees you have already paid.

d. If you want to link another adult member to your membership, we will need their signature to make the change. If you are linked to another member, either you or the other member can ask to remove that link. If the linked member also wants to end their membership, they will need to give the period of notice that applies to their membership type and the ‘Membership types and length of membership’ explained in A2.

e. If we remove someone from a linked membership, the member who is left will become an individual member. If we remove the link between two members, each member will become an individual member. If we add someone to your membership as an adult linked member, both you and your new linked member will start a new membership and the new linked member will need to pay a joining fee. Except where a linked member ends his or her membership, any changes to your monthly payments caused by adding or removing a linked member will apply from the next payment date.

f. Any discount applied for being a linked member will be retracted immediately once the lead member ends their membership.

g. Changes to your monthly payments when a linked member has ended his or her membership will apply at the end of the linked member’s notice period.

9. Notice

a. We calculate your membership in whole calendar months around your payment date. This means that the following applies:

  • i. Anywhere in these terms and conditions where we ask you to give notice of one calendar month or more, if you give notice during a month, we will treat it as if we received it on your next payment date. For example, if you need to give us one month’s notice to end your membership and we receive your notice on 23rd May, and your payment date is the 1st June, then your notice will start from 1st June, your membership will end on 30th June and you will pay one more direct debit (on 1st June) after giving notice.
  • ii. There are no exceptions to this rule.

b. If you want to give notice, it must be in writing:

  • i. by email (membership@theoakwood.com)
  • ii. Details of our email and postal address are on the website. If you need to give us evidence of certain things, you can provide them as attachments to an email.

c. Your notice is not effective until we have received it. We strongly advise that when you give notice you get proof that we have received it. For example:

  • i. if you send us notice by post, send it by recorded delivery (we will have to sign the delivery notice when we receive it);
  • ii. if you hand your notice in at your club, ask for a receipt.
  • iii. if you send us your notice by email, ask for a delivery receipt.

d. We will confirm we have received your notice within 10 days of receiving it. If you do not receive this confirmation within 10 days, you must immediately let us know so we can check whether we have received it. Our contact details are on the website.

e. From time to time we will need to contact you about your membership, so it is important you let us know if your address, contact phone number or email address changes.

f. If we need to give notice to you:

  • i. it will be effective if we send it to the address or email address we have in the records we hold about you; and
  • ii. if we give notice during a month, our notice period will run from the first day of the following month.

10. Membership App

a. As soon as possible after you make your membership application, we will give you access to The Oakwood App containing your personal barcode which must be used each time you enter the club.

  • i. A profile photo must be taken and uploaded onto your profile so that we can verify your account when you enter the club.

b. We may refuse entry without a membership barcode.

c. Your membership is personal to you, and you cannot transfer it to another person. You must not lend your membership to another person.

d. To protect all of our members, we may ask to see another form of identification (besides your membership card) before we allow you into the club. If another person uses your membership card, we have the right to end your membership.

11. Pausing Membership

a. You can pause your membership for a minimum of 1 month and maximum of 4 months within a 12-month period.

  • i. This can be taken in 4 singular months within this 12-month period or any combination.
  • ii. This 12-month period will run from 1st January to 31st December. Pausing months will be calculated on a pro-rata basis.
  • iii. In extenuating circumstances, at the club’s discretion, a pause duration can last longer than 4 months.
  • iv. All pausing has to be approved by management staff/the membership team and can't be retrospectively applied.

b. Membership will automatically resume on the predetermined return date, and billing will restart accordingly. If a member wishes to extend the pause period, they must contact the club before the scheduled resumption.

c. You will not be able to enter any club while your membership is paused. If we find that you are using the facilities while your membership is paused, we can restart your membership and payments and/or your membership can be revoked.

d. Students can pause for a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 7 months within a 12-month period.

  • i. A maximum of 6 pauses in total within this period is allowed

e. Once a cancellation notice has been submitted and processed, members are no longer eligible to request a pause or temporary hold on their membership. The pause option is only available to active members who intend to continue their membership at The Oakwood.

12. Ending your membership

a. If your membership has no linked members, only you can give notice to end it.

b. If your membership has linked members, the following rules apply for ending membership:

  • i. If you give notice to end the membership, we will treat it as applying to you and to all linked members unless you tell us otherwise.
  • ii. If a linked member who has signed the membership application form gives notice to end the membership, we will treat it as applying to you and to all linked members unless the person giving notice tells us otherwise.
  • iii. If your membership is ended, it automatically ends the membership of all linked members.
  • iv. Individual adult linked members can end their own membership by giving us notice.
  • v. Any discount applied for being a linked member will be retracted immediately once the lead member ends their membership.

c. The notice periods and the restrictions on giving notice in the initial period are set out in A9 Notice.

d. You must continue to pay your membership fees until your membership ends.

e. Your membership will end at the end of your notice period.

  • i. Within this notice period members cannot pause their membership. 

f. You must not enter the gym, squash courts or membership facilities once your membership has ended.

13. The Club cancelling your membership

a. We will not tolerate our staff or other members being verbally or physically abused, intimidated, or physically threatened. If we find this to be the case, we have the right to report you to the police, to ban you immediately and permanently from the club and to cancel your entire membership.

b. We may also cancel your entire membership in the following circumstances:

  • i. If you or a linked member breaks or repeatedly breaks this membership agreement or the club rules and you do not or cannot put it right within seven days of us writing to you about it.
  • ii. If, with your knowledge or permission, another person uses your membership to get into the club.
  • iii. If, with a linked member’s knowledge or permission, another person uses that linked member’s membership to get into any club.
  • iv. If you, your linked member, or your (or a linked member’s) guest uses rude or abusive language or behaves or threatens to behave in a violent or aggressive way.

c. If we receive any complaint about your behaviour or that of a linked member, or if you or a linked member persistently behave inappropriately, or if we believe that your continued membership (or that of a linked member) is not in the interests of other members of your club, we have the right to suspend your entire membership. No refunds will be given.

14. If you do not pay your membership fee when it is due

a. If you do not pay your membership fee when it is due and you are paying by direct debit, we will try to take this payment from your account again later in the month. If that is unsuccessful, but your direct debit instruction is still in force, we will try to take payment again in the following month for the payment you have missed and the amount due for the current month.

b. We may refer any missed payments, including any future payments that are due as part of your contract (for example, payments you owe for the rest of an initial period or notice period), to a debt collection agency.

c. If you fall behind with your membership payments for more than 30 days, we will charge you an administration fee of £75. We will also charge an administration fee of £10 for each missed payment.

d. If you do not pay for your membership, we may prevent you and any linked members (adults or children) from entering the club. This does not mean we will end your membership.

e. Cancelling your direct debit does not mean you have given us notice to end your membership. You must give us written notice in line with A9 ‘Notice’.

15. Changing your membership fees and this agreement

a. We may increase membership fees automatically each year. If we do this, the new fees will come into force on 1st January and/or 1st July each year.

  • i. We will make every reasonable effort to give you at least one month’s notice. We will give you notice of the change by writing to you.

c. As well as the increase described in A15a above, we have the right to increase membership fees at any time to take account of any increase in the rate of VAT. We will make every reasonable effort to give you one month’s notice of the increase (either in writing or by displaying a sign on the noticeboard in your club).

d. We may make reasonable changes to this agreement, to these terms and conditions in Part A and to the rules and regulations in Part B or displayed in the club, at any time, as long as we give you notice before we make the changes. See our website for our latest terms and conditions.

e. We may transfer our rights or obligations (or both) under this agreement, or subcontract our obligations under it, to another organisation without giving you notice, and you will continue as a member. If the other organisation fails to provide the same (or equivalent) facilities and services we provided, you may end your membership by giving them notice in writing. Your membership will end on the last day of the month in which they receive your notice.

16. Making significant changes at your club

a. At any time, you can end your membership if we give you notice that we intend to:

  • i. change the location of your club; or
  • ii. close your club permanently.

b. At any time, you can end your membership if we give you notice that we intend to permanently withdraw the whole of the gym from your club.

c. At any time, you can end your membership if we give you notice that we intend to permanently withdraw all of the squash facilities from your club.

d. In each of these cases, you must give us notice in writing in line with A9 ‘Notice’. We will refund any part of your membership fee you have already paid for any period after that date.

Part B – Rules and Regulations for Using Clubs, Facilities and Activities

Definitions that apply to Part B:

You – the lead member.

Linked member – anyone who is linked to your membership, on the additional household discount and/or any guest.

Your entire membership – your membership and the membership of your linked members.

The Club, your club, we and us – The Oakwood Club Limited.

1. General health and safety

a. As your safety is our main priority, we do not allow crockery or glasses outside The Lookout unless we have organised this.

b. To protect the safety of all members and guests, you must pay particular attention to all signs relating to health and safety in our clubs. If you do not understand a notice or sign, please ask one of our team members at the club.

c. Fire exits are clearly marked throughout the club. If there is a fire or if you hear the fire alarm, you should make your way out of the club through the nearest possible exit to the advertised assembly point in the car park.

d. If you suffer an accident or injury on our premises, you must report it, and the circumstances under which it happened, to the senior manager on duty immediately.

e. For legal and health reasons, you must not smoke while using any of the club facilities.

f. While you are at the club, we expect you to behave appropriately, respectfully and politely, and dress appropriately (for example, by not wearing used squash gear in the bar), at all times. We can prevent you from entering the club or ask you to leave if we think that your behaviour or appearance is not suitable.

g. You should not use the club if you have an infectious illness or condition.

h. For your safety, when using the racquet facilities, you must wear appropriate eyewear and footwear for the playing surface (for example, non-marking, smooth-soled shoes).

2. Your children’s health and safety

a. Children aged 11 or under must be supervised at all times by a member over the age of 18, in any area. However, this does not apply if they are at an activity we organise at the club, which parents and guardians do not need to go to (we call this a ‘supervised activity’).

b. If you cannot bring your children to a supervised activity, you can apply to the general manager to get a pass for a named member of your immediate family to bring them instead. This person is not allowed to use any of the club facilities except The Lookout.

c. If your child is at a supervised activity, he or she must be registered with the person in charge of the activity, who must also have details of who will be collecting your child. We will not allow any other person to collect your child unless you have made a specific arrangement beforehand with the person you have left your child with. You must provide food, drink and toiletries your child will need.

d. All our employees who work one-to-one with children are DBS checked.

e. You must not bring your children into the club or childcare facilities if they have an infectious illness or condition.

f. Children aged eight or over must use the men’s or women’s changing rooms, according to their sex (or a family changing room, if one is available).

g. Children aged 15 or under must not use the sauna.

h. Children aged 15 or under may use the gym when there is an organised, supervised activity for them.

3. Car Park

a. You are only entitled to use the club car park while you are using the club facilities. You must park only in the spaces in our car park. If you do not have a disabled badge, you must not park in the spaces reserved for disabled badge holders.

b. We do not guarantee that car parking is available at our club.

c. You park in the car park at your own risk. We do not accept liability for any loss or damage to your car, or personal belongings in it, while you are parked in our car park.

4. Sauna

a. For health and hygiene reasons, you must make sure you shower and use the toilet before entering the sauna.

b. You must, at all times, follow the sauna rules and guidelines displayed in the club and any instructions a manager gives you.

c. You are not allowed to shave, exfoliate (remove dead skin), use oils or conditioners or eat in the sauna.

d. Children aged 15 and under cannot use the sauna.

5. Lockers

a. You bring all personal belongings to the club at your own risk. We do not accept legal responsibility for any loss or damage to these items.

b. If you leave your belongings in a locker overnight, we have the right to remove your belongings. You can claim the belongings we have removed from the club reception for up to two weeks after we remove them. After this time, we will not be responsible for the belongings.

c. If you find lost property, you must hand it into the club reception immediately. We will hold items for three weeks only before giving them to charity.

6. Gym and fitness facilities

Our aim is to make you feel better, and we try to make this as much fun as possible. We know that everyone has different aims, levels of skill, tolerance and fitness. Every moment you spend with one of our coaches is designed to focus on your needs.

a. Before you start using the gym or fitness equipment, we will ask you to read and fill out a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) and offer a supervised gym induction session with one of our qualified fitness coaches.

b. Only qualified fitness coaches will set you an exercise programme. We fully support the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA), and all of our qualified coaches will either be on the register or have applied to be on it.

c. If you have concerns about your physical condition, you must not do strenuous physical activities without first getting medical advice.

d. To make sure you get the most from every activity that you do at the club in the safest possible way, you should always make sure that you warm up properly and take time to cool down after your activity.

e. You should not take part in any physical activity that you may not be fit for.

f. You are responsible for monitoring your own condition during physical activity. You should tell the general manager, a qualified coach, or a member of the membership team when you join about anything that is relevant to your physical condition. You should continue to keep this information up to date throughout your membership.

g. You are responsible for monitoring your own physical condition. If you suffer any unusual symptoms, you must immediately stop the activity and tell a health and fitness coach or any other member of staff at the club.

7. Bookings

a. The current booking terms and conditions are available on our website at www.theoakwood.com or you can ask for a copy at the club. These rules are part of your terms and conditions of use and include rules on how and when you can book, and information we need from you to allow you to book.

b. We may change our booking terms and conditions from time to time and we will tell you about any changes. Or you can ask us for a copy of the terms and conditions at any time to check whether we have made any changes.

8. Booking Cancellations

a. Members may cancel a class or squash court booking up to 12 hours before the scheduled start time via the club app.

i. Cancellations made within 12 hours of the start time will be considered late and will not be accepted.

ii. No-shows or late cancellations will result in a strike being applied to the member’s account.

b. To ensure fair access for all members, the following strike system applies:

i. If 3 Strikes are accrued booking privileges for classes and squash courts will be suspended for one week.

ii. After the one-week block, strikes will reset to zero. However, if a member accumulates 3 strikes again, the suspension will increase to two weeks.

iii. If a member receives three suspensions, they will be blocked from booking classes and squash courts for one month.

c. Strikes will reset after each suspension period but will escalate if repeated offences occur.

d. It is the responsibility of each member to manage their bookings through the club app.

i. The club will not accept cancellation requests outside the designated timeframe.

9. Photographs and videos

a. You may take photographs and video recordings in your club for your own personal use provided that you keep to these rules and any extra rules displayed at your club.

b. You must not take photographs or videos of any children under 18 other than your own. Anyone who appears in your photographs or videos must be aware that you are filming them, and you must get their permission first.

c. You must not take photographs or video recordings in a changing area, sauna, or toilet.

d. If another member is unhappy that you are filming them and makes a complaint to us, we may ask you to show us any images that you have taken in the club and ask you to delete them if appropriate.

e. You consent to the club's use of photography and videography for promotional and marketing purposes, including but not limited to social media, website content and advertising materials. If you do not wish to be photographed or filmed, please inform club management or staff upon entry to the premises or before the start of any event or activity. Your request will be respected, and reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate your preference.

10. Referral Programme

a. Eligibility:

i. The referral scheme is open to all active members of The Oakwood

ii. The referred person must purchase an Annual Membership to qualify. 

b. Referral Process: 

i. The new member must mention the referring member's name at the time of sign-up.

ii. Referrals after sign-up will not be counted. 

c. Reward Redemption: 

 i. The referring member will receive one free month added to their membership, equivalent to the value of the referred person's membership. The value of the reward will be applied to the referring member dependent on their membership type. Annual memberships will be extended for a pro rata period, monthly memberships will be refunded the pro rata amount.

ii. Rewards / Free months cannot be exchanged for cash or transferred to another person.

iii. The referral scheme cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount. Only one discount can be applied to a membership. For example, the same household discount can not be applied in conjunction with the referral scheme.

d. Multiple Referrals:

i. Members can refer as many people as they like and will receive one month free per successful referral. 

e. Exclusions & Limitations:  

i. The scheme applies only to new Annual Memberships. It does not apply to upgrades, renewals, or short-term memberships. The referred person must be a new member to The Oakwood and not registered on our database

ii. The Oakwood reserves the right to modify or terminate the referral scheme at any time.

11. Other rules

a. Only food and drink purchased in the club can be consumed in the club and its grounds.

Angus Baillie

General Manager