Rules & Regulations Waiver for The Oakwood Club


This is a very important document so please read and understand before signing.

Ski, Ringos & Sledging:

  • Instructors can be requested for private lessons however we cannot guarantee they will be available.
  • Private lessons are for 55 minutes only.
  • It is very difficult for an instructor to teach different abilities within a lesson, this will limit the learning process.
  • We will teach adults and juniors together, however, they learn at different rates and therefore this will limit the learning process.
  • Four, five and six-year-olds will ONLY be taught on a private lesson basis with a maximum of 2 children. (No parents or adults allowed).
  • When booking a course you must be able to attend all sessions.
  • If there are 3 or less people attending a course The Oakwood Ski Centre reserve the right to reduce the course to two sessions. You will also be offered the alternative of transferring to another course or a full refund.
  • Only absolute beginners must attend a beginners’ ski course. If you have skied before do not book onto a beginners’ course.
  • Parents are requested to remain behind the gates and off the slopes during sessions.
  • Parents cannot assist their child during a session.
  • Skiing, snowboarding, Ringos and sledging are deemed by the sports council to be high-risk sports as the activities heighten the risk of personal injury. It is therefore of great importance that those using The Oakwood Club’s ski facilities adhere to all rules, regulations, policies and signage. These are for both your and other slope users’ safety and enjoyment.
  • Teaching is not permitted on the slope at any time, other than by The Oakwood Ski Instructors. Persons deemed to be teaching will be asked to leave the slope without a refund.
  • All persons attending the slopes must be correctly attired. The slope surface is abrasive, therefore, all clothing should be old and comfortable. Items required are: ski gloves/mittens, tracksuit bottoms or jeans (not leggings), long thick socks, full-length long-sleeved tops and waterproofs (we are an outdoor centre).
  • The Oakwood Club accepts no responsibility for any illness, personal injury, or any loss or damage to any individuals’ personal effects while they are on The Oakwood Club premises except in cases of proven negligence on our part or in the case of death.
  • Any persons using the facility who are deemed to be causing disruption or distress by either their language or actions can be ejected from the premises by any member of The Oakwood Staff. No refund will be given.
  • Under no circumstance should a member of the public tamper with or adjust any equipment/item belonging to The Oakwood Club or its staff. Ask staff for assistance.
  • The Oakwood Club reserves the right to alter or cancel any activity without giving prior notice in situations such as, but not exclusively limited to, lift/flood light failure, high winds, electrical storms and staff illness.
  • Should an accident occur or loss/damage to any of my personal effects, The Oakwood Club would not be held liable and I acknowledge this means I waiver any rights to claim in this respect. This doesn't apply to death or any negligence on The Oakwood Club’s part.
  • To the best of my knowledge, I can declare neither myself nor anyone I’m responsible for has a medical condition or physical, sensory or mental impairment that might affect my experience, making them more likely to sustain injury, or is pregnant.
  • I can declare neither myself nor anyone I’m responsible for, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • A Parent/Guardian must sign for persons under 16 years of age.

High Ropes:

  • I understand that the high ropes consists of a physically demanding aerial obstacle course and participation entails known and unknown risks that could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis or damage to myself and my property. I agree to accept and assume all the risks and elect to participate despite these.
  • To reduce any risks, I agree to undertake the activity in accordance with all the instructions set out in the safety rules that I received when booking along with all the instructions given to me by The Oakwood staff in the safety briefing.
  • All persons attending High Ropes must be correctly attired. For the safety of the high ropes harness participants must wear trousers or shorts that reach the knee. T-shirts should cover shoulders. It is best to wear trainers or closed-toe shoes. Flip-flops/sandals and Crocs are not allowed. Gloves are optional but are recommended and a limited number are available to purchase from reception. Please ensure clothes and jackets are closely fitted in order for harnesses to be safely situated. Large bulky clothing, such as puffa jackets, are not permitted.

Adventure Camp:

As well as the above activities, I understand that my child will also be participating in other sporting activities which may produce risks. I acknowledge that these risks include, but are not limited to:

  • Physical exertion and strenuous activity
  • Contact with other participants
  • Falls or collisions
  • Equipment failure or malfunction
  • Weather conditions

I assume full responsibility for any risks of loss, property damage, or personal injury, including death, that may be sustained by me as a result of participating in these activities.

Laser Tag & Hypershock:

Voluntary Participation: I understand that participation in the laser tag activity is voluntary and is not a required activity.
Inherent Risks: I acknowledge that laser tag involves physical activities, including but not limited to running, dodging, and hiding, which may take place on uneven surfaces, in low-light environments, and involve the use of laser tag equipment. I am aware that these activities carry inherent risks, including but not limited to:
Trips, slips, and falls on uneven or wet surfaces
Collisions with other participants, obstacles, or structures
Injuries resulting from physical exertion
Equipment malfunction or misuse
HyperShock: I understand that the HyperShock add-on is suitable for those only aged 15 and over. I understand that HyperShock must not be used by persons with a pacemaker, implanted cardioverter-defibrillator or similar devices. Those with a history of heart problems, epilepsy, or similar health problems should consult with their doctor before using HyperShock.
Health and Fitness: I certify that I, or the minor I am signing for, am/is in good health and physically fit to participate in the laser tag activity. I have no knowledge of any medical condition or physical impairment that would prevent participation or increase the risk of injury.
Safety Rules and Instructions: I agree to follow all safety rules and instructions provided by the Company and its staff. I understand that failure to adhere to these rules and instructions may result in injury or removal from the activity.
Assumption of Risk: I hereby assume all risks associated with participation in the laser tag activity, whether known or unknown, including but not limited to those risks outlined in this waiver.

Medical Treatment:

I hereby consent to receive medical treatment which may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident, and/or illness during these activities.

Media Release:

I grant permission to The Oakwood to use my image, likeness, or voice in any media, including photographs, videos, or recordings, for promotional purposes without compensation.

If responsible for anyone else, please also read the below:

  • When responsible for any persons under the age of 16, I can confirm I am over 18 and have the necessary permission to do so.
  • I agree that I am responsible for ensuring the children in my care fully understand all the safety rules issued to me when I booked as well as all the instructions given to me by The Oakwood Club staff during the safety briefing.
  • Should an accident occur to anyone in my care, or loss/damage to any personal effects, The Oakwood Club would not be held liable and I acknowledge this means I waiver any rights to claim in this respect on their behalf. This doesn't apply to death or any negligence on The Oakwood Club’s part.
  • All persons attending tuition, activities or clubs must sign our Rules and Regulations Waiver prior to their session.
  • If you have any questions regarding any of the points listed in this document, please speak to a member of staff or email
  • I have read, understood and agree to the information stated on this form.